here are today's stats:
Temperature: 20°F
Dewpoint: 12°F
Wind:1.6mph from the ESE
Humidity: 72%
Pressure: 30.18" and dropping (drop in pressure indicates that bad weather may be approaching)
Here is todays surface map:
There are several low pressure systems to the south, they are gathering moisture and momentum from the tropical jetstream. You can see the moisture building up on the radar, causing snow in some of the middle northern states.
Also from this water vapor satellite image shows the buildup of water vapor (green area) over the states, we can see the storm system moving in.
Finally the jetstram image from intellicast. This clearly shows the jetstream pushing that moist air. you can see how the cold air from the north is mixing with the warmer air from the south creating the winter storm Q.
It looks like there is a chance Wisconsin will get hit by the tail of this storm, causing snow; but the majority of the storm should hit the states to the south of Wisconsin, which lie in the path of the jetstream. I predict warmer temperatures and snow tomorrow.
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