Yesterday it was overcast and snowed a lot. Today it snowed in the morning, but by 10 am it was nice and clear, very windy.
Temperature: 22°F
Dewpoint: 8°F
Humidity: 58%
Wind: 8mph WNW
Pressure: 1017.8mb
On today's surface map you can see a lot going on. There is a strong low pressure system to the North East, causing high winds from the NW, as seen by the tigher isolines. The jetstream may move that system to the east, the low in the mid states may prove a problem, but likely the high pressure system drawn in by the current low will bring a few days of clear weather.
Some cirrostratus clouds forming to the north, flag is pointed east, so wind is blowing from the west.
Altrocumulus and cirrostratus clouds forming to the SW.
Taken 30 minutes later from above pictures. Altocumulus clouds.These clouds usually represent moisture at upper levels, sometimes coming ahead of larger systems, if the clouds linger there might be unstable weather ahead.
Lots of moisture on the west coast, we'll see what it means for us when it passes the Rockies.
Here you can see the wind direction moving around that low pressure system to the NE.
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