Temperature: 30°F
Dewpoint: 17°F
Humidity: 61%
Pressure 30.33" rising.
Wind: 3mph from the East
Here is an image taken this morning around 6:30am. You can see some fog in the distance. Although hard to see, the clouds are hazy, possibly cirrus clouds.
Here is a photo from about 11am facing west; plenty of cirrus clouds, indicating cool temperatures and no precipitation.
Here is today's surface map. You can see the low pressure systems being manipulated by the rockies. Our area looks like it will remain clear for another day at least. This weekend the low pressure systems may bring some precipitation to our area.
Jetstream for friday. We learned in class that this upward bulge is called an omega high, representing the greek symbol omega, which indicates good weather.
Clear cloud cover in our area, you can see the winds directed north over Minnesota, as well as the after cloud cover to the east following winter storm Saturn.
There is a lot of moisture to the west, moist air from the pacific is being caught up on the rockies.
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