There was snow overnight into this morning, which tapered off into a light rain. My car was covered in snow, there was a strong wind when I went to clear it. Now the cloud cover is breaking with cirrus clouds and stratus cumulus clouds and blue sky.
Temperature: 30°F
Dewpoint: 24°F
Humidity: 81%
Wind: N 11 mph
Pressure: 999.6mb
We have a low pressure system in our area, which accounts for the precipitation and snow we are experiencing. There is a continental polar airmass that has moved down, and is still pushing through the United States. The low system from colorado ahs combined with another system on the east coast, mixing with the maritime air from the northeast. That ridge of storms will continue to move east. We should expect cool temperatures as another cold airmass descends from the north.
That mass of moisture we've been looking at the past few days is now over Canada, but may affect us in the coming days as it rotates around the low pressure systems.
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