Thursday, January 31, 2013

Nice skies and snow

I took an awsome photo when I got to school today, it had a bit of sunrise and a mix of clouds. The daily weather photo page is new and will now show my favorite clouds and photos of weather.

It is currently snowing lightly.When I got here there was a mix of what I believe are cirrus and stratus clouds. I will check my guide and confirm later. I believe they are cirrus unicus (mares tail) clouds which appear ahead of weather systems in winter especially in northern states.

Today's stats as of 8:34am:

The temperature is 5.5°F
The wind is going to the NE at 2.2 mph
Humidity is 75%
Dewpoint is -1°F

Yesterday I predicted snow, and it is now snowing.

I don't see any new fronts moving in our direction, but since there is no change, I predict tomorrow will be cold again, with similar precipitation.

Today's snapshot:

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