Saturday, February 2, 2013

Feb 1 More Cold

Ok, so technically today is February 2nd... Friday was a little busy and I didn't a chance to really sit down at the computer and blog about the weather.

I did record some stats and save pictures though!
Picture taken around 3pm:

This picture has some cirruscumulus undulatus clouds, which indicate instability; appear ahead of advancing weather systems.

Stats for Feb. 1 taken at 9:27pm:

Temperature: 2°F
Wind: 2mph to the NW
Humidity: 96%
Dewpoint: 1°F

There was some snow tonight, surface map shows that wisconsin is in the middle of two stationary fronts which is creating some cloud buildup in our area.

My prediction for tomorrow (today) would have been that it would get warmer due to the high pressure systems.

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