Thursday, February 7, 2013

Feb 7 - Where I draw on a map

Stats for Feb. 7 at 9:20am:

Temperature: 26.4°F
Dewpoint: 25°F
Wind: 0 mph
Humidity: 93%

It is currently overcast. :) (I added a smile to cheer up the dreariness)

Here is my  revised weather map, from We had to add warm air and cold air and the fronts involved for an exercise. I don't know if I did it right but here is the result:

You can see that we still have some warm air moving up into wisconsin, which will continue the warming trend that we have seen. The moist warm air may create some snow or rain.

A neat map thing we saw in class today:, it shows the wind barbs for our area:

The black dots mean the sky is covered (we have an overcast now) and the line indicates wind direction. so we can see the cold front moving to the SW and the warm front moving north. the barbs on the line indicate speed in knots. I think around our are it is currently varied between 5 and 10 knots.

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