Monday, February 4, 2013

Feb 4 confusion

I'm really confused, it feels cold but the sky is clear, and the forcasts all say it will get warmer, yet every morning it looks like there was a little snow.

Today's stats as of 2:30pm:

Temperature: 18.5°F
Dewpoint: -1°F
Wind: 0 mph
Humidity: 41%

Here is a picture from last night around 4pm:

 Definitely some Cirrus Clouds here, and maybe some stratocumulus clouds, moving in as the temperature cools.
Here is a picture from about 7:30am: 

 Picture from 12:30pm:
 I think they look like cirrostratus undulatus, but I am probably wrong. These clouds form with moisture high in the air. surface map:

I predict it will get warmer due to the warm front in the dakotas, but it may also snow, due to the humidity.

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