Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Feb 26

Temperature: 32F
Dewpoint: 35F
Wind: 1.6 mph from E
Humidity: 74%
Pressure: 29.84 in

Today was nice, no rain or snow, mild temperatures.
 We have some interesting low pressure systems near Wisconsin. Unfortunately it looks like we may develop some moisture in the air, although the low to the south of us is on an occluded front, hopefully it will die out soon. I am more concerned with the Low to the north, I am confused at this point as to what that might bring us.

 Here is a water vapor image, it shows the low pressure system very well. You can see there is water vapor prevalent over Wisconsin.
Here is the jetstream forcast for Wednesday. It looks really funky, I believe that this is evidence that the low to the north will come our way.

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